Re: Jesse just diagnosed with Cushings
Hi Glynda,
If the dose is too high.........then wouldn't the cortisol withdrawal be too quick??
I'm confused.
Can you explain a little more.
Without having an acth stim test done the day a dog shows symptoms of overdose, it's almost impossible to tell if the adverse reactions are due to cortisol withdrawal or if the dose is too high.
I did send your response and the site to Sebatians parents.
I know they are extremely concerned.
Thanks so much Glynda
Yes, Jesse was on the 15 / 15 for 4 days with no problems.
I'm sure that's when the water went way down - so something positive was going on.
Hi Glynda,
If the dose is too high.........then wouldn't the cortisol withdrawal be too quick??
I'm confused.
Can you explain a little more.
Without having an acth stim test done the day a dog shows symptoms of overdose, it's almost impossible to tell if the adverse reactions are due to cortisol withdrawal or if the dose is too high.
I did send your response and the site to Sebatians parents.
I know they are extremely concerned.
Thanks so much Glynda
Yes, Jesse was on the 15 / 15 for 4 days with no problems.
I'm sure that's when the water went way down - so something positive was going on.