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Border collie Jack passed away on February 28, 2022

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  • Re: Jack the project!

    Got the main bloodwork back and his thyroid is low again... It was normal in March, low in January with confirmation then with Free T4 with ED. I have to call tomorrow and see if they can add that on.

    Tick panel isn't back yet.

    There's also bilirubin in his urine. All his other values are normal. I hope we don't have to give up the Metacam.



    • Re: Jack the project!

      Debating whether to cancel Monday's appointment. More and more, it seems that the bad disc spaces led us down a neurology path that may not have much to do with what's going on with Jack.

      With the concerns in his bloodwork, it probably doesn't make sense to do a noncritical anesthesia. I'm checking on that now with the clinic.



      • Re: Jack the project!

        Have you considered giving Jack Denamarin with Metacam. That is what I've been doing wiht Harry. I have also been giving him Azodyl to help with his kidneys.


        • Re: Jack the project!

          I was thinking along the lines of Denamarin to help the liver too Yunhee.

          Sorry to hear the thyroid is low again Natalie. What did the clinic say about the need for possibly postponing?
          Patty and Ali 13.5yrs 47lbs diagnosed May '08 Ali earned her wings October 27, 2012, 4 months after diagnosis of a meningioma ~ Time is precious ~


          • Re: Jack the project!

            I decided to cancel the appointment. Still waiting on the rest of the test results and I need to talk to a doctor about whether the bilirubin is something to be concerned about.

            I believe the thyroid is truly low. His fur has gotten very dry and dull in the past couple of months and he's shedding worse than usual. He used to be very glossy and shiny. His diet hasn't changed at all and the difference in his coat is significant. I've had them add on a Free T4 ED and TSH to confirm. But the vet is closed tomorrow and I likely won't get any of the rest of the results back until Monday.



            • Re: Jack the project!

              Good news - tick titers (PCR + ELISA) all negative. More accurate thyroid tests (Free T4 with ED, TSH) both normal.

              The semi-retired vet has agreed to do Jack's radiographs and may ultrasound a muscle that can cause lameness if the radiographs all look good - hopefully at the end of next week if his jury duty clears. He thinks he may be able to do them with sedation rather than anesthesia.



              • Re: Jack the project!

                That IS good news, Natalie! Wonderful news! Tick-borne diseases can be - often are - so bad; difficult to treat, and quite devastating to the body.

                And if Jack's x-rays can be done without general anaesthesia, so much the better!

                So, awaiting your next report!

                Thu, 12 May 2011 22:47:02 (PDT)


                • Re: Jack the project!

                  Definitely some good news Natalie
                  Patty and Ali 13.5yrs 47lbs diagnosed May '08 Ali earned her wings October 27, 2012, 4 months after diagnosis of a meningioma ~ Time is precious ~


                  • Re: Jack the project!

                    Hi Natalie

                    I am just catching up on how your boy Jack is doing and can't help but think how things would develop if you weren't Jack's caretaker. Many of us,(me anyways) would be reading a whole lot, probably understanding half of it and then would blindly follow the vet's and specialist's recommendations and be frustrated at the lack of solution.

                    How appropriate of a title >Jack the project> for your thread. Here's hoping for good news shortly... you both deserve it

                    Take good care


                    • Re: Jack the project!

                      The x-rays are scheduled for this Friday with the semi-retired vet doing them. Looks like he thinks now he will go ahead and do full anesthesia.



                      • Re: Jack the project!

                        He'll probably get better pictures that way - so, I do think that's a good idea.

                        Of course, I trust you'll report when you have information! (haha)

                        Tue, 17 May 2011 18:54:53 (PDT)


                        • Re: Jack the project!

                          Just to keep things exciting, Jack injured his back left paw. The vet says it's a classic foxtail-induced injury. It's high up on his paw between his outside toes. She doesn't think the foxtail worked it's way into the skin, that he probably managed to pull it out (hopefully didn't eat it) but they will check that too while they have him anesthetized tomorrow (plus his teeth).

                          He was nose down in a patch of foxtails at the park... ugh! I'm more worried that he might have ingested or inhaled one than I am about the foot.

                          To keep him from licking it I put a sock on it and secured it above the ankle with the bandaging tape that sticks to itself. He's tolerating that pretty well actually. I cut some slits in the sock too so it gets better air circulation as the lesion between his toes is very moist, red, and inflamed.

                          I can't tell you how much I hope he didn't inhale or ingest one...



                          • Re: Jack the project!

                            I can't tell you how much I hope he didn't inhale or ingest one...
                            Ohhhh, I second that Natalie. I've heard too many stories about foxtail barbs working their way in and causing an abscess.

                            No more excitment Jack!
                            Patty and Ali 13.5yrs 47lbs diagnosed May '08 Ali earned her wings October 27, 2012, 4 months after diagnosis of a meningioma ~ Time is precious ~


                            • Re: Jack the project!

                              It seems like the world we live in is one big fox tale and those other things I call them poky pokeys they look like land mines with spikes if you step on one of them you go through the roof when jesse gets them she has a pretty good technique that she has developed over the years to pool them out very quick no problem for her sometimes she will leave one of them as a present on the floor in the house not pleasant at 3 am going to the bathroom when you get one of them in your foot

                              the problem with her is she is a beagle her nose is like a vacuum cleaner when she gets a scent of something shes learned when just walking not to get to close to the ground with that nose but if there is a rabbit around common sense is thrown wright out the window for her hmmm I wonder if dogs have common sense Ill have to ponder that one
                              Jesse-26 lbs - 16.5 years old ,11 years diabetic, one meal a day homemade and a vitabone snack . 3 shots of Novolin( under the Relion name ) a day . Total insulin for a 24 hour period is 6.5 units of NPH insulin .
                              Jesse earned her wings on 6/21/2021


                              • Re: Jack the project!

                                They are all over - esp with all the rain in California this winter (and the last weekend).
                                When this happened to Harry last year, we ended up soaking his paws 2x a week in warm water / chlorohexidene to bring down the inflammation and infection.
                                We also use highly breathable sports sox (technical stuff sold at sporting good store) to keep the area breathing better.

