Re: Border collie Jack
I always feel so sorry for the entire pit bull's been so maligned over the years due to bad owners! There are two about a block away that are constantly getting out...completely irresponsible owners. Unfortunately, these dogs, while they are absolutely sweet and no problem with people, are completely prey driven. Both of them have attacked my Hank several times. Luckily, if I pick Hank up, they go away or don't even bother him. BUT... they've killed a cat and attacked several other dogs in the neighborhood causing severe damage. Police say nothing can really be done! Dogs and cats are property and so these 'crimes' aren't that big of a deal...damage done only to property. Another neighbor who was injured while pulling one of the dogs off hers is working to get the owners held responsible for all of this. My one fear is that they will put the dogs down and unfortunately, I think it will come to that. The dogs aren't safe anymore...because of their owners! That makes me SO angry! They are such beautiful animals...and probably very loving animals but because their owners didn't train them properly... they're the ones who will suffer! Oh I could go on and on! It's such a frustrating situation! I love that saying tho...these dogs SHOULD take their owners to the pound...preferably a kill shelter!
I always feel so sorry for the entire pit bull's been so maligned over the years due to bad owners! There are two about a block away that are constantly getting out...completely irresponsible owners. Unfortunately, these dogs, while they are absolutely sweet and no problem with people, are completely prey driven. Both of them have attacked my Hank several times. Luckily, if I pick Hank up, they go away or don't even bother him. BUT... they've killed a cat and attacked several other dogs in the neighborhood causing severe damage. Police say nothing can really be done! Dogs and cats are property and so these 'crimes' aren't that big of a deal...damage done only to property. Another neighbor who was injured while pulling one of the dogs off hers is working to get the owners held responsible for all of this. My one fear is that they will put the dogs down and unfortunately, I think it will come to that. The dogs aren't safe anymore...because of their owners! That makes me SO angry! They are such beautiful animals...and probably very loving animals but because their owners didn't train them properly... they're the ones who will suffer! Oh I could go on and on! It's such a frustrating situation! I love that saying tho...these dogs SHOULD take their owners to the pound...preferably a kill shelter!
